Here Are The Best Infographic Publishing Websites:
Infographic marketing is a fantastic way to enhance backlink acquisition and increase online visibility. Submitting your infographics to specialized directories can boost your reach. Below is a comprehensive list of both free and paid infographic submission sites to get your content published and noticed:
Free Infographic Submission Sites
Cool Infographics: https://coolinfographics.com – Only the best infographics are selected for free posting.
Directory of Infographics: https://directoryofinfographics.com – Focuses on tech, social media, business, and more.
Infographics Archive: https://www.infographicsarchive.com – Offers both free and paid options for submission.
Infographic Database: https://infographicdatabase.com – Reviewed before publication; doesn’t allow optimized anchor links.
Infographic Directory: https://infographicdirectory.com – Showcases infographics from various industries.
Infographic Journal: https://infographicjournal.com – Offers free submission and an express paid option for faster posting.
Infographic Post: https://infographicpost.com – Accepts free submissions with paid options available.
Infographics Portal: https://infographicsportal.com – Free submission but with no-follow links.
Infographics Race: https://infographicsrace.com – Offers both free and paid submissions.
Infographix Directory: https://infographixdirectory.com)** – Free with an option for paid express posting.
Paid Infographic Submission Sites
Best Infographics: https://best-infographics.com – Paid options start at $9.49, featuring faster posting.
Daily Infographic: https://dailyinfographic.com – Daily featured infographic; email to get pricing options.
Directory of Infographics: https://directoryofinfographics.com – Paid option ensures posting within 2 days, starting at $10.
Graphs.net: https://graphs.net – Offers 3 pricing tiers from $25 to $99 for express, paid, or sponsored posts.
Infographic Bee: https://infographicbee.com – Paid reviews start at $10.95 with social media promotion included.
Infographic Love: https://infographiclove.com – Requires $75 for posting and review of tech-focused infographics.
Infographics Archive: https://www.infographicsarchive.com – Paid tiers for guaranteed posts, ranging from $20 to $44.
Infographic Plaza: https://infographicplaza.com – Paid options expedite posting, from $10 to $55.
Infographic Post: https://infographicpost.com – Guarantees posting within 5 days for $10 or 2 days for $20.
Infographics Race: https://infographicsrace.com – Offers no-follow ($10) and follow ($20) link options for SEO purposes.
Infographics Showcase: https://infographicsshowcase.com – Paid, honest review service available for $25.
Mighty Infographics: https://mightyinfographics.com – Paid submission with title, description, and source link posting for $25.

By leveraging these platforms, your infographics can gain wider visibility, drive traffic, and earn valuable backlinks to enhance your SEO & Website Traffic efforts.
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